Month: June 2013

  • Accept Me In Forgiveness

    The past you and I can't forget, 

    The present of us we know not,

    Accept me in forgiveness which I seek,

    Let me erase the stress from your heart.


    The day looked very bright outside when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and looked outside once more, bright like the middle of the day. I checked the time and it was indeed the middle of the day. I am late by about four hours. Then a question raised in my mind. Late for what? There is nothing out there waiting for me. So I slowly sat on my bed, checking my emails on phone, then checked facebook... nothing special going on this wonderfully bright weekend. I brushed my teeth, then washed my eyes once more and looking at the mirror I apologized again and again. I walked out saying
    “I should have known”
    I came and sat on the loveseat and thought how simple my life still the effort I put in to keep things moving is a struggle I value in my own ways. There are a lot of people out there dearer ones too who won’t get this struggle. I smiled at my own problems and thought … oh’ there are people who lives a much more simpler life than me, even though they are much more talented and efficient than I am. Those choices they make and make those choices as dreams and fight their way through every bit of life to learn and implement plans and they will all survive. I never fought, at the first hurdle I will look left and right and then find my way back of safety. That’s my choice and I value my choices with equal importance like those who made their choices their dreams.
    There are no differences I can see at all. WIth that thought I turned on the T.V and watched news. I felt the echo of the T.V all through the house, I live near the ghetto, in a small house, compared to many houses of my friends and relatives. One of my friend’s 6 year old kid once came at my front door and said... I’d like to see the inside of your dirty house. My friend tried to scold her and I told come in and I took her around and shown her every corner of the house. She told “it is not dirty at all” Then I smiled and told..”I cleaned my house the best I can because I heard you may come” She smiled and left. With that thought in my mind I said, I live in a bigger house compared to a trailer one of my friend lives. I said aloud “Once a friend, always a friend” and got up to the whistle of my old tea pot. While pouring the hot water on top of the Oolong tea bag I said to myself “I have had no idea how important what she does is for her” I walked to the window and stood there and I saw clouds gather up high in the west I spoke to myself again.. “Ah’ the cloud in the mind cleared and there comes the storm, bring it on, my love for her will make me a survivor”.
    I went back and got the tea ready and I spoke aloud to myself “See everyone finds a reason to weave a dream and live that dream. Its just that your own dream only made sense to you” I sat and thought and thought and thought then I stood up and put my hand on my heart and said “May God bless her with every blessing of this world and every world of his creation and forgive me Oh’ God for the ill I thought for the fulfillment of the dream of another”. I walked with a cold cup and bowed head back to the kitchen with a feeling this is one prayer that will be accepted.

    Watch the video...